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شركة رؤية
مؤسس الموقع
23 فبراير 2009
مستوى التفاعل
Bad Sector Types And Repair Solutions
Bad sector type 1: logical bad sectors due to some logical errors and not many sectors, users can scan and add to plist or glist or merge from glist to plist;Then format with plist.

Bad sector type 2: due to bad or downgraded head and the read is not stable, at this time, users need to cut heads and then perform format with plist;

Bad sector type 3: If the bad sectors are caused by adaptive parameters, users can run ARCO 46 and then format with plist;

Bad sector type 4: if it’s a small physical sctatch, users can use add to p-list by LBA or cut zones and then run format with plist.

Bad sector type 5: if it’s due to dirty heads, usually clients need to do this way by cleaning the heads.

Bad sector type 6: if there're too many bad and irregular sectors, need to run arco optimize and 28 selftest.
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