ما الجديد


شركة رؤية
مؤسس الموقع
23 فبراير 2009
مستوى التفاعل
دوائــر المازربورد Motherboard Chipsets Map
clock generator

.....دائرة مولد النبضات.....


هي دائرة تقوم بتوليد موجة تزامن (timming signal) وتقوم هذه الموجة أو النبضة بعمل ما يسمي تزامن للدوائر التي تعمل على

المازربورد نظرا لاختلاف تردد كل دائرة عن الأخرى.

وتتولد هذه الاشارة على شكل موجة مربعه بسيطة أو اكثر تعقيدا على حسب اللوحة الأم.

لمزيد من التفاصيل عن تلك الاشارة اضغط هنا

الموجة المربعه

.....مكونات دائرة التردد .....(clock generator)

الكرستالة من الكوارتز

وهي التي تقوم بوظيفه المذبذب الخاص بعملية توليد النبضة الأوليه ويساعدها في

ذلك دائرة بسيطة تتكون من l;et وملف غالبا وتسمى lc


ويحسب قيمة التردد الناتج منها بالقانون التالي


ثم تدخل الاشارة في مرحلة التكبير وبعد ذلك الي أيسي clock generator

والذي بدورة يقوم بتكبير وتوزيع الاشارة التي تتحكم في تردد كل من

  • CPU
  • FSB
  • GPU
  • RAM

يتصل مولد النبضات بالsouthchip منتجا نوعين من النبضات لكي يعمل الجهاز هما
  • system clock frequency
  • reset signal

يتحكم البرسسور في مولد النبضات عن طريق كود bsel .. 0.1.2 ومنه يتعامل مع البوردة بالتردد المناسب مع الشيب fsb control signal bus.

لذلك عندما يريد مولد النبضات تغير التردد النظام طبقا للأمر الوارد له من المعالج

يقوم بعمل تنشيط ل rest signal التي تقوم مباشرة

بعمل تصفير لحظي للتردد وتوليد التردد الجديد الذي يعادل ما ارسلة المعالج .


a chipset, connected to the CPU, wherein the CPU communicates with a
peripheral of the computer main board through the chipset;

a clock generator, connected to the chipset, providing the chipset with a
system clock frequency for operating the computer main board, wherein the
CPU controls the clock generator through the chipset, and the clock
generator is controlled through a first control signal bus; and

a reset signal generator, connected to the chipset and controlled by the
CPU through the chipset, which provides the chipset with a reset signal,
wherein the reset signal generator is controlled through a second control
signal bus, such that when the clock generator needs to change the system
clock frequency according to a command from the CPU, the reset signal
generator activates the reset signal simultaneously for changing a clock
frequency of the peripheral from a current frequency to an intended
frequency with respect to the svstem clock frequency where the intended
frequency can be repeatedly reset until the intended frequency matches in
ratio to the system clock frequency and the reset signal remains
activation until the system clock frequency is completely changed to a new

6. The circuit of claim 5, wherein the circuit further comprises a status
latch for storing a status parameter set by the CPU as soon as the system
clock frequency is changed, wherein the set status parameter is retrieved
by the chipset from the status latch to determine a ratio of the system
clock frequency to a clock frequency of the peripheral after the computer
main board is restarted.

7. The circuit of claim 5, wherein the first control signal bus includes an
I2 C bus.

8. The circuit of claim 7, wherein the second control signal bus includes
an I2 C bus.

9. The circuit of claim 8, wherein the chipset comprises an I2 C bus
interface that is used by the CPU to control the clock generator and the
reset signal generator.

10. A method for switching system clock of a computer main board, the
method comprising:

providing a CPU;

providing a clock generator, for generating a system clock frequency;

sending out a command from the CPU to the clock generator to change the
system clock frequency;

sending out a reset signal from the clock generator as soon as the clock
generator starts to change the system clock frequency wherein the reset
signal resets a clock frequency of a peripheral from a current frequency
to an intended frequency with respect to the system clock frequency where
the intended frequency can be repeatedly reset until the intended
frequency matches in ratio to the system clock frequency, and

canceling the reset signal by the clock generator as soon as the system
clock frequency is changed to a new setting.

11. The method of claim 10, wherein the method further comprises providing
a status latch for storing a status parameter set by the CPU as soon as
the system clock frequency is changed, wherein the set status parameter is
retrieved by the chipset from the status latch to determine a ratio of the
system clock frequency to a clock frequency of the peripheral after the
computer main board is restarted.

12. A method for switching system clock of a computer main board, the
method comprising:

providing a CPU;

providing a clock generator, for generating a system clock frequency;

sending out a command from the CPU to the clock generator to change the
system clock frequency;

sending out a reset signal from a reset signal generator as soon as the
clock generator starts to change the system clock frequency, wherein the
reset signal resets a clock frequency of a peripheral from a current
frequency to an intended frequency with respect to the system clock
frequency where the intended frequency can be repeatedly reset until the
intended frequency matches in ratio to the system clock frequency, and

canceling the reset signal from the reset signal generator as soon as the
system clock frequency is changed to a new setting.

13. The method of claim 12, wherein the method further comprises providing
a status latch for storing a status parameter set by the CPU as soon as
the system clock frequency is changed, wherein the set status parameter is
retrieved by the chipset from the status latch to determine a ratio of the
system clock frequency to a clock frequency of the peripheral after the
computer main board is re
يلاحظ عندما يتلف مولد النبضات

سخونة عالية على سطحة الخارجي

سخونة على الجسر الشمالي

عدم إضاءة لمبه clk على التستر

تم بفضل الله
التعديل الأخير بواسطة المشرف:


مهندس جديد
26 فبراير 2009
مستوى التفاعل
دوائــر المازربورد Motherboard Chipsets Map
مجهود جميل
مشكور عليه أخي نووور


مهندس جديد
26 فبراير 2009
مستوى التفاعل
دوائــر المازربورد Motherboard Chipsets Map
تسلم يا هندسه (تامر الزهراء) بس عايزين شرح الpc 3000 يبقى هندسه زى كده


شركة رؤية
مؤسس الموقع
23 فبراير 2009
مستوى التفاعل
دوائــر المازربورد Motherboard Chipsets Map


شركة رؤية
مؤسس الموقع
23 فبراير 2009
مستوى التفاعل
دوائــر المازربورد Motherboard Chipsets Map
تسلم يا هندسه (تامر الزهراء) بس عايزين شرح الpc 3000 يبقى هندسه زى كده

أهلا مهندس تامر

خلال ايام وغالبا يومين هتجد بداية انطلاقة كبيرة في شروحات البي سي 3000